“A remarkably poignant record…His originals are soulfully projected by Javors, who plays beautifully and with much emotion throughout.”
“A remarkably poignant record…His originals are soulfully projected by Javors, who plays beautifully and with much emotion throughout.”
“Magical fingers… Keith’s solo is clearly superior to many players on the scene these days.”
"If this is a sign of the harmony that can exist between two nations that were once fierce rivals, we need to introduce jazz in North Korea, Afghanistan etc.!”
“As a jazz band, the Detroit Collective is darned good.” -Jazz Scene (University of Oregon) (Kyle O’Brien)
“Chris Potter and Keith Javors play Nancy with the Laughing Face, sometimes wistful, sometimes hopeful, but always uplifting… The musicians clearly have invested their creativity and emotions to [the record’s] success.”
“Javors provides solid underpinning throughout and takes marvelous solos to boot.”
“Jazz pianist (and one of my favorites) Keith Javors succeeds in his endeavor to create an emotionally filled memorial... He has a distinct propensity to bring a variance of color to his music, and so he does with his exceptional sojourn into his artistic and expressive journey of solid and viable piano jazz.”
“The go-to man who seizes the moment, while at the same time opening the doors of perception, not only for himself to explore, but also for the other musicians, who quickly latch on to the openings he has created."
"The degree of hard work, patience, study, blood, sweat and tears necessary to produce a band of this quality is phenomenal."
"Javors distinguishes himself as a bandleader intent on collective envelope-pushing... It's full steam ahead for this potent sextet."